My rating: 4 of 5 stars
If the only early woman pilot you've ever heard of is Amelia Earhart then you need to read this book. There were many, many others : some who set records, some who died horribly trying, all who fought to be recognized by the likes of Lindbergh and other male pilots. Their lives and struggles made for fast and interesting reading. Meet the two Ruths, Ruth Elder and Ruth Nichols from diametrically different backgrounds who flew the same competitions. Meet Louise Thaden who tried and succeeded in having it all--fame as a pilot and happiness as a wife and mother. Meet airplane developers like Beech of Beechcraft and his fiesty wife. Get to know the kid known as Granny who built the GeeBee in Springfield Mass. Fly with the men and women in competitions for money and prizes promoted by Cliff Henderson. So much history and Earhart was just a very small and not even very good part of it all. Were it not for her marriage to CP Putnam of the publishing house and his connections her name would probably be lost as much as she was and as much as the names of these other ambitious, dedicated women who wanted to make aviation the transportation of the future. This edition was a free copy provided by Book Browse for discussion
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