My rating: 5 of 5 stars
My first encounter with Harry Hole ! Not my first Scandinavian mystery books, however. There are certainly many alcoholic, tortured, mixed -up cops running around that part of the world . It must be the long, cold, dark winters. But, for as many defective policemen there are an equal number of warped, murderous rapists to keep them busy. In this permutation of the genre, Harry's wife has been brutally murdered in her home by an unknown assailant who used one of her kitchen knives to kill her. She and Harry have parted ways, she having asked him to leave for some reason, as yet unrevealed. Harry appears to have an alibi--drunk as a skunk and taken home to sleep it off by a fellow lawman and good friend. Nevertheless, the only thing Harry remembers about the night in question is that he was drinking, got into a fight with the bar owner and was tossed out of the place and barred for life. The owner called his buddy to take him away.
In the meantime, roaming the countryside is a despicable old man, filthy and lecherous, who enjoys raping young women in order to impregnate them. He then stalks them and protects them, threatening to kill them if they abort the child or if they haven't conceived. His weapon of choice? A knife. His name is Svein Finne and he hates Harry since Harry, in the line of duty, killed Finne's son.
Did Finne kill Hole's wife in retribution? Being the husband of the victim, Harry is suspended and forbidden to work the case. In short order, his alibi is verified and he is no longer a suspect. Still, he is not allowed to formally investigate, but being a long time crack detective, well respected for his skills, he has many friends who will help him search for answers subrosa. The tale is long and convoluted, involves characters , fighting PTSD,forensic scientists, fellow detectives both local and governmental and the evidence swings in many directions. It is a book that requires thought and delves into the psychology of the killing of another human being, motivations for murder, permutations of relationships, It is not an easy, breezy read but, like its very human characters it is somehow gratifying with enough twists to keep the reader returning for more.
Like most of the Scandinavian TV murder series and the various authors from Scandinavia, the subject matter is dark and deep and not something I could binge on but definitely something to read in between lighter fare.
Harry and I will meet again. This is review of an uncorrected proof provided by goodreads in exchange for a review.
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