My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A terrific story with an interesting and intelligent hero. McMurtrie is 68 years old, been teaching Evidence at the University of Alabama Law School for over 40 years. New dean is making a clean sweep of old wood and McMurtrie is forced to depart when he is more or less set up to either retire or work under stressful and unfair strictures. Happens all the time! He is widowed, has a dog on its last legs and finds out he has cancer. Down and out? Yeah, until several of his former students play very active roles, some for good, some not so good, in his life. After 40 years in academia he finds himself in the courtroom, assisting one of them, Rick Drake, in the prosecution of a big gas company. One of the drivers, doing 8o miles an hour in a 65 mile per hour zone on a quiet country road, is in a collision with a SUV carrying a young couple and their 2 year old daughter. All are killed. The grandmother of the little girl decides to sue the company for negligence. Better than Grisham, the 400 plus pages just speed along until the final explosive scene with a Hail Mary pass!
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