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Connecticut River Valley, New England, United States

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Review: Cold Case in Nuala

Cold Case in NualaCold Case in Nuala by Harriet Steel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Very fond of this series set in late 30s early 40s Ceylon. Although war is raging in most of the world, Ceylon seems far removed from it. The only possible bearing it will have on the island is the threat of military service to the young British government officers living there. Despite its peaceful tropical existence, all is not serene for Inspector de Silva and his two juniors,Nadar and Prasanna.

A dog has dug up the remains of a human body on a local tea plantation. The owner of the plantation had mysteriously disappeared 8 years earlier, having supposedly deserted his wife and home for another woman. Could this be his body? At the time of his disappearance, Archie Clutterbuck, assistant government agent for Nuala and in the service of the British Crown, carried out a rather superficial investigation into it. Neither the man's stepmother, Isobel Moncrieff, nor his wife, Mariana , seemed concerned for his welfare. In actuality, for different yet equally strong reasons, both believed the rumor of his infidelity and seemed relieved to be free of him.

Yet, when the examination of the bones reveal that the deceased is most likely Donald Moncrieff, the Inspector feels compelled to learn how he died and who, if anyone, played a part in his death .
Besides, there is the added mystery of an impressive luxury car, a Bugatti. To the lover of automobiles, this is ALMOST as compelling a case for Shanti as the one regarding a man's death and burial in a remote corner of his estate.

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