My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Mike Bowditch is as much a loose cannon as ever in this second installment! Have a feeling the last few pages have a foreshadowing hint of a change that is going to happen in Mike's life but will wait to see. In the meantime, he is still struggling with his father's legacy, his girlfriend's discontent and now the murder of a young woman that he feels he let down by not searching more thoroughly for her when she ran into a deer but wasn't at the collision scene.
Her murder is almost a duplication of one that happened seven years ago. But, the murderer is sitting the the jail in Thomaston so who killed her? This is a real conundrum and not until the last pages is the solution revealed.
I have two problems with this one--did the supposed outdoors people of that island 10 miles out really not know what was going to happen when they brought deer to the island when there was absolutely no natural predator present? Even hunting them, there would have been no way to keep the herd in check. And why kill the doe and her two fawns--if one or both were male--then kill the male.
The other, I know these small towns and live in one in Vermont--everybody knows everybody's family relationships and believe me, when some one is in trouble all the town is reminded about to whom the miscreant is related. Mystery would have been solved much faster if this were a true story.
Still, keeping the fact out of the narrative, sure made for a tricky who dunnit!
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