To continue my comments regarding Spring earlier this morning, I got all the pots hung on the porch--well, actually I planted them and Bill hung them--but I guess I got him to do it. The lawn is mowed despite its thickness and length, although it took most of the afternoon and a stop at our local tuner upper to get it going again after it bogged down in the heaviest growth. Listened to a country CD recorded by a friend's son and then tuned to NPR for some blues etc. Finally, when it went to talk with Bill Styron's daughter I turned on my computer and played the early 1900's music I've downloaded to a playlist from the Library of Congress. All of this music kept me planting and grooving at the same time. The wind kept the majority of black flies at bay but it also sent apple blossoms cascading in snowlike drifts to the ground. Sigh, they've only been open a few days but much like the flowers of the South they've perfumed the air so wonderfully. I'll miss their beautiful aroma.
Once the work was done I took the perambulation that I usually do every day but haven't for several because of the cold and damp. How could I have forgotten that the first flowers of Spring were not the wildflowers but the lovely purple crocuses on the south facing slope on the far side of the driveway? Now that slope is covered with the green lacy leaves of crown vetch which is not yet in bloom but the slope opposite is covered in the lovely creeping phlox that has spread farther than I'd realized. Cut a few sprigs of lilac as planned--their scent is every bit as delightful as the appleblossoms just opening on the crab apples next to them. The last of the daffodils, which I'd forgotten we'd planted on this far side of the yard, in a small cluster bent gracefully in the breeze. Not sure if last year's rose bushes have made it or not--don't see much evidence of life -but then again, the old transplants from a woodland cellar hole don't look very lively either and I'm sure they are fine. The lily of the valley leaves are up--but will there be lovely white bells? These were my Dad's favorite flower. I hope they take.
Imagine my surprise in the tree line to see multitudinous little yellow violets. There are so many more wildflowers there since Bill thinned the trees--more light has sure encouraged their proliferation. As I turned to look at the house from this side I was thrilled to see the bleeding hearts have burst into flower and the spurge is magnificent. The Barlows are in bud so they will be flowering soon as well. Crane geraniums are up but not flowering yet. Just incredible how one or two days changes the gardens so much. The peony tulips are going crazy,too. The peony bushes are heavy with buds ( listening to Yiddishe Nightingale--from the old Yiddish theatre--not Kletzmer--but funny).
Came indoors and found that the small bouquet of lilacs looked too scrawny in Mom's milkglass so used blue vase from the New Hampshire Craft Show in Sunapee several years ago. Much better--there will be lots of other flowers to put in the milkglass. Here are a few shots of today's stroll and porch decor.
Now, I'm singing Mandy loudly with a quartet of men who would be over 120 years old if they were still alive! At least that considering my Mom would be 110 and these guys recorded about the time she was born----Mandy there's a minister handy and it should would be dandy if you'd let me make the fee....... I know the words to so many of these songs--my grandmother taught them to me. I used to imagine her a young woman listening to these songs as her children slept. She taught me to dance, too! But I digress--here are the pix.

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