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Random words, pictures and thoughts of one who always wishes to be on the mind's road to discovery!

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Connecticut River Valley, New England, United States

Sunday, June 26, 2011

At Sixes and Sevens! Sigh :(

This has been a sort of don't know what I want to do with myself kind of weekend. After ten days of having the kid home from Montana, not paying close attention to my Weight Watchers' tracking and getting word that our expected company cannot come because of a painful, unfortunate bout of arthritis, I've been sort of moping around.

Daughter left on Friday in pouring cold rain and wind and though she left our house at 12;30 and Lebanon, NH on the bus at 1:20 she did not arrive in Boston until 4:30, an hour late. Fortunately her plane for Minneapolis - St Paul was not to leave until 6:15 so she had time. She called at around 5:15 to say that security took 45 minutes and she was already exhausted and hadn't even really begun her long trip to Montana. She said she was going for a beer--which I could well understand. About an hour later, when I would have thought she'd be in the air she called once more to say that there was another 30 minute delay on her flight and she'd probably miss her connection in M-StP since it had been a tight schedule anyway! Groan. While she was so close and yet so far I was puttering around the house trying to stay warm by drinking copious amounts of tea and finally settling down with a book before dinner. Eventually, I turned on TV and around 9ish she called once more to quickly say that she just landed in Mn and would be able to catch her flight just barely after all--love you, bye. And so about 1130 I retired for the night with a heavy heart and a few tears knowing that she was in the air and would land in Bozeman long after I'd hit REM sleep and deep snoring.

I wish I could say that Saturday dawned bright and cheerful but no--it dawned, cold, gray, rainy and windy--the story of this Spring in Vermont! At around 1030 as hubby and I were into our second cups of coffee the phone rang and one sleepy head informed us that she was safe and tired and still in bed and returning to sleep. We laughed and told her we loved her. Then Bill went to work and again I moped. Worked on organizing photos online and caught up with emails, ordered a few things from Staples and gave up trying to be productive and read some more. She called from work to ask about some recipes since she would be grocery shopping to refill the empty larder she'd left to come home. My sister had found a copy of one of my favorite cookbooks and gave it to Betsy so now she could make some of her most beloved meals in her own apartment. It is fun when she calls to talk about stuff like that. She's called me from the grocery store before to ask about different types of potatoes and which to buy for a certain dish or to check to see what kind of corn--kernel or creamed I use in a side. It's at times like that that I'm happy I have a daughter.

Today it was muggy but at least sunny so my spirits lifted a bit. Read the Sunday papers and don't really know what else I accomplished --not much. As I say, sort of at loose ends. But tomorrow is another day. While Bets was home we moved the futon from my workroom in the cellar to the living room. Now the living room is a total disaster--we had to move chairs to make room for the futon but it still isn't where it needs to go. We have to rearrange some large pieces like the desk, china closet and case clock to make proper room for it. Then we have to reorganize the other side of the room which is the dining room in this open floor plan house. Since this will be the first change in over ten years there are things that have been stored or placed on these pieces that must be sorted and reorganized as well. All in all quite an undertaking but we may as well do a thorough job. It probably won't happen again for another ten years.

Of course, I had the futon moved upstairs because my original dream of a den, workroom,office, library, guest room was too ambitious. Although the office nook has worked out and the shelves for books are in place, they are overflowing and extra books are creating imitation Tour Eiffel and Leaning Towers of Pisa on the floor. At times the futon has served as the guest bed but more often than not it has been one more surface for excess scrap booking stuff. I never did get the large screen TV that I envisioned on the big wall and so my family never curled up on the futon to watch TV whilst I scrapped the history of our exploits. Sooooo, now that the kid is no longer here, I decided that library/workroom is the best use of the space. To that end I've ordered another folding banquet table and stack of drawers. Once our living space is organized I shall have to tackle that area. I wonder if I have that many years of life left--but then I KNOW I shall never get all those pictures scrapped anyway.

So, starting tomorrow PROJECT HOUSE begins--and I'll get back to my WW tracking. Hopefully, as I see things take shape my mood will lift and so will the rainy skies. Maybe I'll get some color after all, lose a few pounds and feel like pulling a mid- July party together. Let us hope--otherwise this listless rainy summer will pass into the short cold days of winter and I'll go mad!

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