Maeve and Moira--which is which? Twins and for at least a quarter of the book I had to keep going back to figure out which one was doing what. Once I got the rhythm of what was going on in their rivalries, jealousies, secrets, relationships etc I really liked the book very much. Wasn't terribly surprised by one revelation, which I'LL keep a secret so as not to spoil it for any other reader. The imagery is beautiful, the story of a keris is interesting, the emotions of the characters are realistic and the reader can feel and understand them. If the reader has a sibling, even if not a twin, many of the events of growing up together and moving into adulthood apart and together are ones with which he or she can relate.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Maeve and Moira--which is which? Twins and for at least a quarter of the book I had to keep going back to figure out which one was doing what. Once I got the rhythm of what was going on in their rivalries, jealousies, secrets, relationships etc I really liked the book very much. Wasn't terribly surprised by one revelation, which I'LL keep a secret so as not to spoil it for any other reader. The imagery is beautiful, the story of a keris is interesting, the emotions of the characters are realistic and the reader can feel and understand them. If the reader has a sibling, even if not a twin, many of the events of growing up together and moving into adulthood apart and together are ones with which he or she can relate.
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