My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Confusing unless you've read Kate Moore #1 recently, which I had not. I read it awhile back and so the whole premise was hazy and the resulting plot development caused the story to be less exciting than it may have been. If I still had the first one I would have reread it and then started this one anew. Kate's irritation with her husband, Dexter and his very weak showing were very off-putting. The outcome for the sniper was gratuitous--mercy for him?, a political statement about the treatment of immigrants by law enforcement?, a justified punishment?, all of the above? In addition, a catchall for the perceived problems of the day as throwaway scenarios: Kate: hand guns are only for killing people. Really? I use it for target practice. Forsyte's leering after Collette and her toleration and behavior in which she does not appear to notice it. To keep her job, one imagines, though at the end she finds that on second thought she doesn't need it. But does she confront him? No! And, of course, the off-handed shot at the unnamed President. All in all, the book seemed slapped together and disjointed rather than pulse raising exciting and threatening. Bookbrowse provided this copy for discussion later in the week.
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