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Random words, pictures and thoughts of one who always wishes to be on the mind's road to discovery!
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Saturday, February 11, 2017
Day 2---From Saratoga to Hagerstown, Md
Hello from Hagerstown, Maryland 4:18 pm EST 65 degrees F and sunny! Hardly any snow left on the ground-more bare than covered. Lady at the desk said it was 4 degrees yesterday morning--so who knows if I'll wear sandals and a blouse or sneakers and a sweater tomorrow.
Got on the road yesterday morning at around 10, stopped to gas up in Wilder, headed over to the bank to make sure the new chip card works in the ATM and then over Killington and down Rt 4 to Ft Edward, hit the Northway and arrived at my sister's at about 230 or so. We did stop at Tanya's Stockyard Café in Kingsbury to eat some lunch. If any of you are ever tempted to try it--do NOT--the food is awful. Even the cole slaw which is usually yummy at these cafes and diners was terrible--I think the guy used a whole bottle of vinegar in it. If you do venture in, and it is horrible--just remember the Pond Palate Police warned you.
Had a nice easy dinner of cheese, pepperoni and triscuits followed by franks and beans with Barb and Damian, the pooch. Good to catch up--don't remember the last time we've actually seen Barb. This is always our chance to exchange Christmas gifts and that is always fun.
Up early and on the road by 830 this morning.Stopped for gas on Rte 50. $2.35/gal, I think but need to check my log book which is in the car to make sure that is right. Having watched the weather last night, it appears that Buffalo and environs are due a heavy snow storm tomorrow. Not wanting to get bogged down or snowed in, we changed our planned route. Headed down to Binghamton, New York on I 88 and then I 81 at the Pennsylvania border. I dozed off shortly before that junction but woke up at the Pa welcome center. Went back to sleep and woke up just past Wilkes Barre. Hence no pictures from that leg of the journey. But those who have traveled with us over the last seven journeys have probably seen pictures from that area before. Judging by what I was awake for, things haven't changed very much along this way.
It is actually kind of nice to be taking this path again, since we have been going by way of Buffalo for the last three trips and this is a good change of scenery. Got off the Interstate in Ravine, Pa. Can you imagine telling someone you are from Ravine??? And, believe me, it IS in a pretty deep ravine. Near enough to the highway, though, to charge $ 2.65/gal. And I KNOW that figure is correct, because a few more miles down the road at Love's it was $2.45/gal.Betsy called us when we were around Carlisle, Pa and the temperature was 48. We, of course, gloated about it. Not realizing that not very much later we would truly have something to crow about // 65 degrees!!! We had a terrific driving day--not much traffic--even around Harrisburg, Scranton and Wilkes Barre--areas that are usually awful. One of the reasons we gave up this drive was the congestion and craziness in those places. The weather was glorious--sunny and no wind. Little hawks peppered the limbs of trees, the weather was so nice and the fields so open and green--good hunting weather for these feathered predators.
Pulled into the Clarion Inn and Suites and upon seeing all the cars, motorcycles and large groups of men in their black leather bearing their colors, we figured there was no room at the Inn. We figured correctly--so we are in the Quality Inn and Suites across the road, where a few of the spill-overs are staying. They are the USMC motor cycle club--all looking quite vintage--and hippy dippy--well not all hippy dippy but most all vintage. LOL We fit right in age-wise, anyway.
So having stayed up with Barb until 1 am and probably drinking a bit more vino than necessary, I'm a bit tired. Staying in and eating some of the larder we brought. Bill is already getting started on Mexican at the restaurant next door.
I'm going to curl up with my new book and just veg. Until next time, batten down the hatches and turn up the heat or start the fire. Keep safe, keep warm, see you Trekkers --that's this year's name for the group--Travel Trekkers--tomorrow! Nighty-night KandB
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