What an insane day--doing last minute running around to be ready to start packing and organizing before Sunday. Started out driving on slushy, slick, dicey roads to the dentist's office to have a temporary cap put on the broken tooth, then to the hairdresser's to try to make this straight,graying hair look somewhat attractive for strangers to see, over to Penney's to return garments that Omar the Tentmaker created for pup tent users, then to BJ's to lay in enough cat food for the duration and to pick up healthy snacks for the car, on to Walmart's for a file case to hold souvenirs, brochures etc accrued over the six weeks, to Price Chopper for Polar Selzer apparently not available in the wilds of Montana, down to Walgreen's for some toiletries and road trip meds that we hopefully won't need and at last to 7 Barrel for a well earned hamburg and brew. Finding the group at the bar a bit obnoxious moved over to Applebee's and another brew before the trip back home. Not over my cold so tired--exhausted actually--but pleased with ourselves that all errands are complete and now we just pack and organize the house for Sharon to move in.
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